There has been increasing development of regulations that now govern commercial space flight. This was a direct response to increased interest and development in commercial space flight (the new regulations were added about eight years ago). This includes everything from licensing requirements and application procedures to safety approvals and human requirements. These new regulations are located in Title 14 (Aeronautics and Space) of the Code of Federal Regulations (Federal Aviation Regulations). I feel that these regulations are not very restrictive as of right now but will continue to be developed (or additional regulations will be added) in the near future as more progress is made.
I think commercial space flight will continue to advance on a significant level. There will be regular commercial space flight within the next decade based on current progress and development. I do think that it will eventually be a means of transportation (the aviation industry has advances on a elevated level when compared to other modes of transportation).
The qualifications for a pilot to conduct commercial space flight are not very restrictive at the time (Federal Aviation Administration 2015). The minimum current requirements (according to what I read but was unable to confirm) are a first class medical and an instrument rating. The qualifications should become more restrictive as commercial space flight continues to be developed.